Work work work
Been a few days. Hope everyone had a good Easter. We got ourselves a new cat that day. Well, she's not really new. She actually older than our 2 present ones but she's new to our house. Laura's dad isn't really home very often (because of the new job and new ladyfriend) so Simba (the aforementioned cat) hasn't been acting very nicely. So Laura decided to bring her here so she could maybe be happier. So far she (the cat) loves being around Laura and is very friendly with me as well. Unfortunately she has to constantly hiss at our other 2 cats who are curious about the new visitor. I am sure it will pass but it's not fun to be in the middle of catfights. We also took her to the vet today since her shots are way overdue and we bring in the other 2 next week. Can't wait for that. Been working a lot which blows of course since I wish I could be doing more at home especially since the shower is this weekend. My cousin and his family are coming so that is cool but we need to fix up the place to suit guests. Much to do. Anyway, I need sleep but I'll have to write more later.