Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Tripod

Man, why does it take me so long to write things here? Does anyone even read it? So what's new? I am trying to get a new job. It's a teaching job in Oxford as a high school Spanish teacher. But I need to get some sort of certification so I am dealing with that. Unfortunately as written in my last post my wife's grandmother passed away shortly after I wrote it. It happened so fast. I will always remember how welcoming she was with me ever since Laura introduced me to her and her family over 5 years ago. I will also remember all the food she cooked. (How could I not?) So I am wondering how Thanksgiving will go this year. It's usually over her place. Also, a friend of my wife's mother has died as well. So more death is happening. Hopefully she is doing better and her family is as well. Must be rough. I was there when Laura's mom died and it is something I can never forget because of all the emotions involved. My sincere condolences to all involved. Another bad thing: a couple of her friends are splitting up. This has not been the best time. I know that is hard also and we are there for them if they need us. We had a yard sale and it went okay. Not great. Wish we could have gotten rid of more. On a good note, even though he cries sometimes I still love my son. It's like sometimes he fights sleep and this makes him cry more because he doesn't want to fall asleep. Then he gets angrier and angrier. Poor kid. Poor us. But he is able to sit briefly for short periods of time. It's the tripod. I have sent out those pictures and hope you enjoy them. I need to get to bed now though. Man I am tired. See ya.


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