Thursday, January 05, 2006

It's been 2 months.

Yes, since I wrote my last entry. A lot has happened in that time. I have since quit my job at the movie theater. Finally. I hated it with a passion. I was able to work at K-Mart instead where I was actually appreciated. They gave me 40-hour weeks and I made some extra money with comission. Right now I am only getting about 27 hours a week but I am enjoying my down time with my family even though Zander is quite the handful. He crawls now which he wasn't doing when I last wrote. He can use the furniture around him to make himself stand which means he should be walking around any day now. My Christmas was pretty good. This year it was spent in Maine. We will be in Florida next time. Laura and Zander and I got a lot of presents which are still all over the living room but we are still enjoying them. I had to work New Year's but when I got home Laura and I just watched Spider-Man and spent time together. Currently, I have been trying to figure out what I am going to do with my job situation but I am not quite sure how to proceed. Should I try looking online? Should I physically go out there and see what's available? It's hard in January after all the holiday jobs are gone. I may try and get a teaching job at a high school although to be certified I have to take a class first. The idea of teaching students who don't want to be there is not my idea of fun but I need to do something. I also dread the idea of talking to these kids' parents which I never had to do working in colleges. We got a lot of snow today but it still doesn't feel like the past few winters we have had. It seems last winter we had tons and tons of snow but it's pretty mild this year. Even when it has snowed on days I have had to work I haven't had to drive 25 miles so that is a big plus. Anyway, I need to go check on my son since he's not happy in the chair right now. Hopefully I will write more soon.


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