Big Changes
Hello there in webland! It's been a while since I have written and most of you should know why. If you don't, here ya go. We are finally parents. Our little guy was born on 5-5-05. We shouldn't have any problem remembering his birthday. So things are a lot different here but in a good way. We love this child with all our heart. I never thought I'd get married much less have a child. The one thing that I do want to write about is how amazing my wife is. It's hard for me to verbalize that sort of thing but easy for me to write. It was so hard to see her in that much pain when she started feeling the contractions. It made me hurt so much emotionally. I gave myself a headache worrying that much. But when it came to it she did what she had to do. Even with the epidural it must have hurt so much. I will never know pain like that and I can't even imagine it. She was so strong that day and amazed me to no end. I doubt I could ever be as strong as she was and I am hoping that it doesn't deter her from wanting to have more children because I think she should have the daughter she wants and I don't want Zander to be an only child. Now I have this little family and am so happy with all of us. Now if only I could get a decent job around here I'd be set.